Facts about the PPS F.U. Plan
Changes across the district
If the PPS Board votes in support of the Facilities Utilization Plan, it means the district will:
15 schools in Pittsburgh are proposed to be closed:
East & Central
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• Arsenal PreK-5
• Linden K-5
• Miller PreK-5
Proposed to close spring 2026:
• Fulton PreK-5
• Woolslair PreK-5
Proposed to reconfigure fall 2027:
• Milliones 6-12 (becoming SciTech 6-8)South & West
• Roosevelt K-5
• South Brook 6-8
• South Hills 6-8North
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• Allegheny 6-8
• Manchester PreK-8
• Schiller 6-8
• Spring Hill K-5
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• King PreK-8These schools were initially proposed to close by ERS, but are no longer on the closing list:
• Carrick High School
• Lincoln PreK-5
• Weil PreK-5
• Whittier K-5
12 schools in Pittsburgh are proposed to change their grade configurations:
PreK-8 ➡️ PreK-5
• Brookline
• Greenfield
• Langley
• Mifflin
• Morrow
• SunnysideK-8 ➡️ 6-8
• Arlington
• Carmalt
• Colfax6-12 ➡️ 9-12
• Obama
• SciTech
• WestinghouseYou can view other proposed changes by impact on each school and types of changes (closing, moving students, and more).
These are the 3 schools that are proposed to open or re-open:
Proposed to open fall 2026:
• Manchester 6-8
Proposed to open fall 2027:
• Northview PreK-5 (re-opening)
• SciTech (at Milliones building)You can view other proposed changes by impact on each school and types of changes (closing, moving students, and more).
Feb. 2025: Superintendent Walters presented a “feasibility” report that doubled down on their commitment to the F.U. Plan (presentation, report, live stream).
Nov. 2024: Superintendent Walters announced that no school changes will be recommended for the 2025-2026 school year.
Partial magnets - phased out:
• Phillips
• SterrettPartial magnets - closed:
• WoolslairWhole-school magnets - phased out:
• Allegheny K-5
• Carmalt
• Classical
• Dilworth
• LibertyWhole-school magnets - closed:
• Allegheny 6-8
• Linden
• SchillerYou can view other proposed changes by impact on each school and types of changes (closing, moving students, and more).
CHANGES in the final proposal
Removed from the closing list:
• Lincoln PreK-5
• Weil PreK-5
• Whittier K-5
Added to the closing list:
• Conroy
• King PreK-8
• Miller PreK-5
• South Hills 6-8
• Student Achievement Center11 school buildings in Pittsburgh are proposed to be closed:
East & Central
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• Miller PreK-5
• Montessori PreK-8
Proposed to close spring 2026:
• Fulton PreK-5
• Woolslair PreK-5South & West
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• South Hills 6-8North
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• Schiller 6-8
• Spring Hill K-5
Proposed to close spring 2026:
• King PreK-8
• Morrow PrimarySpecial schools
Proposed to close spring 2025:
• Student Achievement Center
Proposed to close spring 2026:
• ConroyYou can view other proposed changes by impact on each school and types of changes (closing, moving students, and more).
School closures and other changes
See details for each school and how they’re impacted by the F.U. Plan.
Sources: “final recommendations” plan and press release on the PPS website
Note: Sorry, this search tool doesn’t work on phones. We’re working on a version that is mobile-friendly and easy to translate to other languages!
Types of changes
Closing schools, moving students, and more.
Scroll left/right to see the full list.
Final Facilities Utilization Plan presentation and press release (Oct. 2024)
Initial Facilities Utilization Plan presentation (Aug. 2024)
Facilities Utilization Plan official PPS website (Oct. 2024)
Slides presented by ERS at “regional community input” sessions (Sep. 2024)
Descriptions on PPS school websites
Last updated Oct. 18, 2024
Compiled by Education Rights Network and Holly Munson (a PPS parent)
Transcribed information from Initial F.U. Plan presentation and Final F.U. Plan presentation and press release
Tagged each change with the type of change, affected school, Board Member responsible, and other details
Used a more simple, consistent way of describing each change
Used Airtable, a database tool, to make this data more easily searchable
Adapt = adapt a neighborhood school into a “neighborhood magnet”; or adapt a whole-school magnet into a “neighborhood magnet” or a neighborhood school
Neighborhood magnet = according to the initial F.U. Plan, new “neighborhood magnets” would operate like full magnets but guarantee seats for neighborhood students (slide 29); magnet enrollment policies were not provided in the final F.U. Plan.
Close (building) = building would not be used by PPS for education purposes
Close (school) = all current students would be moved out of the school building
Create = create or expand a program
End = immediately end a magnet program, by closing the school
Feed change = change the feeder pattern for a school.
Feeder pattern = determines which elementary school feeds into which middle school, and which middle school feeds into which high school; the name of the feeder pattern is the name of the high school
Attendance zone = NOT the same as feeder pattern; determines the boundaries for each school by street addresses; your home will be attached to a feeder pattern your children will follow from K to 12
Keep = no change to a school or program (which is sometimes called out to differentiate from other changes at that building)
Kick out = some or all current students would be moved out of the school building to make way for students from a special program (CAPA, Montessori, CTE)
Move = move students from their current school to a different school
n/a = no changes
No plan = the proposal does not have a plan for this building/school
Phase out = phase out a magnet program, by not accepting new magnet students
Prioritize = prioritize certain investments
Receive = receive students from another school
Reconfigure = change the grade configuration of the school, e.g. change a K-8 school to a K-5 and move out the current 6-8 students
Renovate = renovate a building
This is the Board Member who is assigned to represent this school, so they are the best person to contact if you have feedback about these changes.
Information is from the PPS Board of Directors website.
Note: This map reflects the initial proposal; we are working on updating it to reflect the Oct. 15 proposal.